Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crazy Love

I'm reading this book called Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan. It's really good & challenges a lot about the way I view God. One of the analogies that Chan gives really stuck out to me. He tells the reader to imagine being an extra in a movie. You get really excited about the two-fifths of a second in the movie that the back of your head can be spotted in a huge crowd. You invite all of your friends & family to see this movie about you, except it's really not about you at all. They'd probably think you were crazy.... Chan says this is how we view life a lot of times. We think it's all about us, when in reality, our lives are just a breath... Who do we think we are? It's all about God. Period.

Chan writes, "We have only our two-fifths-of-a-second-long scene to live. I don't know about you, but I want my two-fifths of a second to be about making much of God."

I want to turn my perspective around.

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