Saturday, February 21, 2009

Simple Revelation

About a month ago, I had a revelation about my life. Now, it may not seem like a significant revelation or even a revelation at all. Really, it’s quite simple and obvious, but I often don’t live or act or think like it. Well, here it is: “It’s not about me.” That’s my revelation. Not profound, I know. But, have you really thought about this? This life is not about me. At all. Period.

When I think about the way I pray or the things I worry about or the things I think about, I realize that my life is so self-centered. What is my purpose? What am I good at? What do I want my life to look like 5 years from now? Even my seemingly good questions are not focused on God; they’re focused on making me happy or making me feel good about myself.

We weren’t created to be happy and content and self-fulfilled. We weren’t created to be comfortable and successful and to make the most of ourselves. God created us to make much of Him, to glorify Him, to serve Him, to love Him. This world, this life, is not at all about me. So, how can I live otherwise?

Lord, help me to take my focus off of myself and turn it to You. Help me to remember that I am nothing without You. I know that you want the best for your children, and I thank you for your unfathomable love, but help me to remember that I’m not just here to receive from you. Help me to live in response to your love; to live a life of sacrifice and service to you and to others. Turn my questions into ‘How can I bring glory to You?’ ‘How can I live out Your will?’ ‘How can I love You more?’

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wiped off my little dry-erase message tile in the kitchen yesterday and was trying to decide what to write on it. I tried to come up with a Bible verse or something as a daily message to myself, but couldn't think of anything at the time. Later I was thinking about it again and guess what popped into my head? Yep, "It's not about me."