Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Looking for God

I often have a hard time ‘seeing’ God at work in and around me. Then I’ll hear other people tell stories about ways that God has been working in their lives and realize that the same types of things happen to me, but I don’t always connect them to God. Maybe I’m just not looking for the right things or in the right places.

As I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle the other day, I had this thought – I would choose a part of the picture to work on and then look through the big pile of pieces to find a certain color or pattern for that part. I found that when I was looking for a specific part, my eyes were automatically drawn to those pieces even if I hadn’t noticed them before. The same thing would happen each time I moved on to a different part of the picture. When I knew what I was looking for and focused on it, I had no trouble seeing the pieces I needed.

In the middle of all this, I thought – maybe that’s how it is with God in our lives. Maybe I just need to be more deliberate in looking for and focusing on Him and I’ll find Him right there in front of me amidst the things that have been there all along. I think I just make simple things too hard sometimes.

This seemed to make a lot more sense in my head before I wrote it down, but hopefully you get the point.

I don’t doubt that God is there. I just need to keep looking and start noticing the small things, rather than expecting some big revelation.

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