Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Don't Let It Get Away...

Spring is finally here!  I seem to appreciate it more and more every year.  After so much waiting and anticipation, I just want to drink in all the beauty of the green grass and the new leaves and the beautiful flowers.  This year I have been particularly enamored by the tulips.  (Now, this is quite the development seeing how much I hated tulips -- and all things Dutch -- when we first moved to the Holland area! Just ask my parents.)  

There is a certain group of tulips along the driveway at work that I just LOVE.  There are little clusters of  yellow and red and pink and orange and I think they're just perfect.  Every time I drive by I just want to stop and stare. I wish there was some way to bottle them up.  They make me so happy, but at the same time I feel a twinge of sadness...for I know the beauty is temporary.  In a couple weeks, they'll wither and fade.  Then it will be another whole year before I'll be able to enjoy them again.  

Why is it that we can't fully embrace joy without a little hint of sadness?  Every good thing in life seems to come with some sort of string attached.  But I suppose I wouldn't appreciate the beauty quite so much if it were there all the time.  

So I try to be aware...to notice the little things...to enjoy them while they last.  And to marvel at how wonderfully creative our God is!

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