Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random tidbits:

Why does the weather have to be terrible when I want to go somewhere? Or is it really that I just want to go somewhere because it's a blizzard outside (and I know I can't)?

When I had made a pretty certain decision that I wasn't going to do grad school, I got my acceptance letter in the mail. I'm still pretty sure that it's not what I should do right now, but the fact that I got accepted almost makes me want to do it. Almost.

Did you know that tradition says the apostle John was plunged into a vat of boiling oil and came out unharmed? Crazy.

I have an obsession with picking fuzz off of sweaters and socks. It drives me crazy sometimes, but I can't stop.

I think Valentine's Day should only be celebrated in elementary school classrooms.

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