Friday, April 3, 2009


I came home a few days ago to find a not-so-pleasant surprise on my doorstep. Right in front of my porch someone had left me a squirrel. A dead squirrel. It was disgusting! (I know you’re all probably super disappointed that I don’t have a picture to share. :P) Fortunately, I know a nice guy who was willing to come dispose of it for me :), but it got me thinking…

Now, I’m not a huge fan of squirrels, but I don’t have any big problems with them. They’re kind of cute sometimes. But there was nothing at all cute about the one on my step. Because it was dead. The life was gone. It made me think of when goldfish die. They’re fun to watch when they’re swimming around the bowl, but when you find them belly up, they’re just gross. And to stretch this thought a bit further…think about going to a funeral…even the most beautiful person (inside or out) is not all that attractive in a casket (not to be insensitive). The only genuinely beautiful things about us are our souls, our spirits, our personalities – our Life. That which is temporary and earthly, our flesh, is disgusting in and of itself. It’s the immortal part of us that makes us beautiful.

It’s a shame that we spend so much time and effort working on the outside and tend to ignore what really counts…


Sarah said...

well said

Anonymous said...

Thus, the name of one of your favorite movies!

You're so wise. You should have been the mom! ;)